
import tensorwaves.model

Evaluateable physics models for amplitude analysis.

The model module takes care of lambdifying mathematical expressions to computational backends.

class LambdifiedFunction(model: Model, backend: Union[str, tuple, dict] = 'numpy')[source]

Bases: tensorwaves.interface.Function

Implements Function based on a Model using {meth}`~.Model.lambdify`.

__call__(dataset: Mapping[Union[int, str], ndarray]) ndarray[source]

Evaluate the function.


dataset – a dict with domain variable names as keys.


ReactionInfo of the function evaluation. Type depends on the input type.

property parameters: Dict[str, Union[complex, float]]

Get dict of parameters.

update_parameters(new_parameters: Mapping[str, Union[complex, float]]) None[source]

Update the collection of parameters.

Submodules and Subpackages