Speed up lambdifying

Speed up lambdifying#

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import logging

import ampform
import graphviz
import qrules
import sympy as sp
from ampform.dynamics.builder import create_relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff
from IPython.display import HTML, SVG

from tensorwaves.function.sympy import (

logging.getLogger("tensorwaves.data").setLevel(logging.ERROR)  # hide progress bars


Since #374, expressions are lambdified with common sub-expressions. This should already reduce lambdification time significantly and also results in faster computational functions.

Split expression#

Lambdifying a SymPy expression can take rather long when an expression is complicated. Fortunately, TensorWaves offers a way to speed up the lambdify process. The idea is to split up an an expression into sub-expressions, separate those separately, and then recombining them. Let’s illustrate that idea with the following simplified example:

x, y, z = sp.symbols("x:z")
expr = x**z + 2 * y + sp.log(y * z)
\[\displaystyle x^{z} + 2 y + \log{\left(y z \right)}\]

This expression can be represented in a tree of mathematical operations.

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dot = sp.dotprint(expr, bgcolor="none")

The function split_expression() can now be used to split up this expression tree into a ‘top expression’ plus definitions for each of the sub-expressions into which it was split:

top_expr, sub_expressions = split_expression(expr, max_complexity=3)
\[\displaystyle f_{0} + f_{1} + f_{2}\]
{f0: x**z, f1: 2*y, f2: log(y*z)}

The original expression can easily be reconstructed with subs() or xreplace():

\[\displaystyle x^{z} + 2 y + \log{\left(y z \right)}\]

Each of the expression trees are now smaller than the original:

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dot = sp.dotprint(top_expr, bgcolor="none")
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for symbol, definition in sub_expressions.items():
    dot = sp.dotprint(definition, bgcolor="none")
    graph = graphviz.Source(dot)
    graph.render(filename=f"sub_expr_{symbol.name}", format="svg")

html = "<table>\n"
html += "  <tr>\n"
html += "".join(
    f'    <th style="text-align:center; background-color:white">{symbol.name}</th>\n'
    for symbol in sub_expressions
html += "  </tr>\n"
html += "  <tr>\n"
for symbol in sub_expressions:
    svg = SVG(f"sub_expr_{symbol.name}.svg").data
    html += f'    <td style="background-color:white">{svg}</td>\n'
html += "  </tr>\n"
html += "</table>"
f0 f1 f2
Pow(Symbol('x'), Symbol('z'))_() Pow Symbol('x')_(0,) x Pow(Symbol('x'), Symbol('z'))_()->Symbol('x')_(0,) Symbol('z')_(1,) z Pow(Symbol('x'), Symbol('z'))_()->Symbol('z')_(1,) Mul(Integer(2), Symbol('y'))_() Mul Integer(2)_(0,) 2 Mul(Integer(2), Symbol('y'))_()->Integer(2)_(0,) Symbol('y')_(1,) y Mul(Integer(2), Symbol('y'))_()->Symbol('y')_(1,) log(Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')))_() log Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z'))_(0,) Mul log(Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z')))_()->Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z'))_(0,) Symbol('y')_(0, 0) y Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z'))_(0,)->Symbol('y')_(0, 0) Symbol('z')_(0, 1) z Mul(Symbol('y'), Symbol('z'))_(0,)->Symbol('z')_(0, 1)

Fast lambdify#

Generally, the lambdify time scales exponentially with the size of an expression tree. With larger expression trees, it’s therefore much faster to lambdify these sub-expressions separately and to recombine them. TensorWaves offers a function that does this for you: fast_lambdify(). We’ll use an HelicityModel to illustrate this:

reaction = qrules.generate_transitions(
    initial_state=("J/psi(1S)", [+1]),
    final_state=["gamma", "pi0", "pi0"],
model_builder = ampform.get_builder(reaction)
for name in reaction.get_intermediate_particles().names:
    model_builder.dynamics.assign(name, create_relativistic_breit_wigner_with_ff)
model = model_builder.formulate()
expression = model.expression.doit()
sorted_symbols = sorted(expression.free_symbols, key=lambda s: s.name)

split_function = fast_lambdify(
CPU times: user 322 ms, sys: 183 Îźs, total: 322 ms
Wall time: 320 ms

normal_function = sp.lambdify(sorted_symbols, expression)
CPU times: user 2.2 s, sys: 16.1 ms, total: 2.22 s
Wall time: 2.22 s

Specifying complexity#

When creating a parametrized function, we use the create_parametrized_function() function. By default, this internally calls SymPy’s own lambdify() function. But if you specify its max_complexity argument, create_parametrized_function() uses TensorWaves’s fast_lambdify().


function = create_parametrized_function(
CPU times: user 655 ms, sys: 0 ns, total: 655 ms
Wall time: 653 ms