Source code for tensorwaves.physics.helicity_formalism.kinematics

r"""Kinematic based calculations for the helicity formalism.

It's responsibilities are defined by the interface

Here, the main responsibility is the conversion of general kinematic
information of a reaction to helicity formalism specific quantities

:math:`(s, \theta, \phi)`

The basic building blocks are the :class:`~HelicityKinematics` and
import logging
from collections import abc
from typing import Dict, List, Optional, Sequence, Tuple

import amplitf.kinematics as tfa_kin
import numpy as np
from expertsystem.amplitude.model import AmplitudeModel
from expertsystem.particle import ParticleCollection

from tensorwaves.interfaces import Kinematics

[docs]class ParticleReactionKinematicsInfo: r"""Contains boundary condition information of a particle reaction. Args: initial_state_names: Defines the initial state final_state_names: Defines the final state particle_dict: Contains particle information total_invariant_mass: Invariant mass :math:`\sqrt(s)` of the initial or final state. Has to be specified for a multi particle initial state. fs_id_event_pos_mapping: Mapping between particle IDs and their positions in an event collection. """ def __init__( self, initial_state_names: List[str], final_state_names: List[str], particles: ParticleCollection, total_invariant_mass: Optional[float] = None, fs_id_event_pos_mapping: Optional[Dict[int, int]] = None, ): if isinstance(initial_state_names, str): initial_state_names = (initial_state_names,) if len(initial_state_names) == 0: raise ValueError("initial_state_names cannot be empty!") if len(final_state_names) == 0: raise ValueError("final_state_names cannot be empty!") self._initial_state_particles = [ particles[x] for x in initial_state_names ] self._final_state_particles = [particles[x] for x in final_state_names] if len(self._initial_state_particles) == 1: if total_invariant_mass: logging.warning( "Total invariant mass sqrt(s) given with a single particle" " initial state! Using given sqrt(s)!" ) else: mass = self._initial_state_particles[0].mass self._total_invariant_mass = mass else: if not total_invariant_mass: raise ValueError("Total invariant mass sqrt(s) not given!") self._total_invariant_mass = total_invariant_mass self._fs_id_event_pos_mapping = fs_id_event_pos_mapping
[docs] @classmethod def from_model( cls, model: AmplitudeModel ) -> "ParticleReactionKinematicsInfo": """Initialize from a recipe dictionary.""" particles = model.particles fi_state = model.kinematics.final_state in_state = model.kinematics.initial_state fs_id_event_pos_mapping = { state_id: pos for pos, state_id in enumerate(fi_state) } return cls( initial_state_names=[ for p in in_state.values()], final_state_names=[ for p in fi_state.values()], particles=particles, fs_id_event_pos_mapping=fs_id_event_pos_mapping, )
@property def initial_state_masses(self) -> List[float]: return [p.mass for p in self._initial_state_particles] @property def final_state_masses(self) -> List[float]: return [p.mass for p in self._final_state_particles] @property def total_invariant_mass(self) -> float: return self._total_invariant_mass @property def fs_id_event_pos_mapping(self) -> Optional[Dict[int, int]]: return self._fs_id_event_pos_mapping
[docs]class SubSystem(abc.Hashable): """Represents a part of a decay chain. A SubSystem resembles a decaying state and its ingoing and outgoing state. It is uniquely defined by: * :attr:`final_states` * :attr:`recoil_state` * :attr:`parent_recoil_state` """ def __init__( self, final_states: Sequence[Sequence[int]], recoil_state: Sequence[int], parent_recoil_state: Sequence[int], ) -> None: """Fully initialize the :class:`SubSystem`. Args: final_states: `tuple` of `tuple` s containing unique ids. Represents the final state content of the decay products. recoil_state: `tuple` of unique ids representing the recoil partner of the decaying state. parent_recoil_state: `tuple` of unique ids representing the recoil partner of the parent state. """ self._final_states = tuple(tuple(x) for x in final_states) self._recoil_state = tuple(recoil_state) self._parent_recoil_state = tuple(parent_recoil_state) @property def final_states(self) -> Tuple[tuple, ...]: """Get final state content of the decay products.""" return self._final_states @property def recoil_state(self) -> tuple: """Get final state content of the recoil partner.""" return self._recoil_state @property def parent_recoil_state(self) -> tuple: """Get final state content of the recoil partner of the parent.""" return self._parent_recoil_state
[docs] def __eq__(self, other: object) -> bool: """Equal testing operator.""" if not isinstance(other, SubSystem): raise NotImplementedError if self._final_states != other._final_states: return False if self._recoil_state != other._recoil_state: return False if self._parent_recoil_state != other._parent_recoil_state: return False return True
def __hash__(self) -> int: """Hash function to use SubSystem as key.""" return hash( (self._final_states, self._recoil_state, self._parent_recoil_state) )
[docs]class HelicityKinematics(Kinematics): """Kinematics of the helicity formalism. General usage is 1. Register kinematic variables via the three methods (:meth:`register_invariant_mass`, :meth:`register_helicity_angles`, :meth:`register_subsystem`) first. 2. Then convert events to these kinematic variables. For additional functionality check :meth:`phase_space_volume` and :meth:`is_within_phase_space`. """ def __init__(self, reaction_info: ParticleReactionKinematicsInfo): """Initialize the a blank HelicityKinematics. Args: reaction_info: data structure that contains all of the kinematic information of the particle reaction. """ self._reaction_info = reaction_info self._registered_inv_masses: Dict[Tuple, str] = dict() self._registered_subsystems: Dict[SubSystem, Tuple[str, str]] = dict()
[docs] @classmethod def from_model(cls, model: AmplitudeModel) -> "HelicityKinematics": return cls(ParticleReactionKinematicsInfo.from_model(model))
@property def reaction_kinematics_info(self) -> ParticleReactionKinematicsInfo: return self._reaction_info @property def phase_space_volume(self) -> float: return 1.0
[docs] def is_within_phase_space(self, events: np.ndarray) -> Tuple[bool]: """Check whether events lie within the phase space definition.""" raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def register_invariant_mass(self, final_state: Sequence) -> str: """Register an invariant mass :math:`s`. Args: final_state: collection of particle unique id's Return: A `str` key representing the invariant mass. It can be used to retrieve this invariant mass from the dataset returned by :meth:`~convert`. """ logging.debug("registering inv mass in kinematics") _final_state: tuple = tuple(sorted(final_state)) if _final_state not in self._registered_inv_masses: label = "mSq_" for particle_uid in _final_state: label += str(particle_uid) + "+" label = label[:-1] self._registered_inv_masses[_final_state] = label return self._registered_inv_masses[_final_state]
[docs] def register_helicity_angles( self, subsystem: SubSystem ) -> Tuple[str, str]: r"""Register helicity angles :math:`(\theta, \phi)` of a `SubSystem`. Args: subsystem: SubSystem to which the registered angles correspond. Return: A pair of `str` keys representing the angles. They can be used to retrieve the angles from the dataset returned by :meth:`~convert`. """ logging.debug("registering helicity angles in kinematics") if subsystem not in self._registered_subsystems: suffix = "" for final_state in subsystem.final_states: suffix += "_" for particle_uid in final_state: suffix += str(particle_uid) + "+" suffix = suffix[:-1] if subsystem.recoil_state: suffix += "_vs_" for particle_uid in subsystem.recoil_state: suffix += str(particle_uid) + "+" suffix = suffix[:-1] self._registered_subsystems[subsystem] = ( "theta" + suffix, "phi" + suffix, ) return self._registered_subsystems[subsystem]
[docs] def register_subsystem(self, subsystem: SubSystem) -> Tuple[str, ...]: r"""Register all kinematic variables of the :class:`~SubSystem`. Args: subsystem: SubSystem to which the registered kinematic variables correspond. Return: A tuple of `str` keys representing the :math:`(s, \theta, \phi)`. They can be used to retrieve the kinematic data from the dataset returned by :meth:`~convert`. """ state_fs: list = [] for fs_uid in subsystem.final_states: state_fs += fs_uid invmass_name = self.register_invariant_mass(list(set(state_fs))) angle_names = self.register_helicity_angles(subsystem) return (invmass_name,) + angle_names
def _convert_ids_to_indices(self, ids: Tuple[int, ...]) -> Tuple[int, ...]: if self._reaction_info.fs_id_event_pos_mapping: return tuple( self._reaction_info.fs_id_event_pos_mapping[i] for i in ids ) return ids
[docs] def convert(self, events: np.ndarray) -> dict: r"""Convert events to the registered kinematics variables. Args: events: A three dimensional numpy array of the shape :math:`(n_{\mathrm{part}}, n_{\mathrm{events}}, 4)`. * :math:`n_{\mathrm{part}}` is the number of particles * :math:`n_{\mathrm{events}}` is the number of events The third dimension correspond to the four momentum info :math:`(p_x, p_y, p_z, E)`. Return: A `dict` containing the registered kinematic variables as keys and their corresponding values. This is also known as a dataset. """ logging.debug("converting %s events", len(events[0])) dataset = {} for ( four_momenta_ids, inv_mass_name, ) in self._registered_inv_masses.items(): if len(four_momenta_ids) == 1: index = self._convert_ids_to_indices(four_momenta_ids)[0] dataset[inv_mass_name] = np.square( np.array(self._reaction_info.final_state_masses[index]) ) else: four_momenta = np.sum( events[self._convert_ids_to_indices(four_momenta_ids), :], axis=0, ) dataset[inv_mass_name] = tfa_kin.mass_squared( np.array(four_momenta) ).numpy() for subsys, angle_names in self._registered_subsystems.items(): topology = [ np.sum(events[self._convert_ids_to_indices(x), :], axis=0) for x in subsys.final_states ] if subsys.recoil_state: topology = [ topology, np.sum( events[ self._convert_ids_to_indices(subsys.recoil_state), :, ], axis=0, ), ] if subsys.parent_recoil_state: topology = [ topology, np.sum( events[ self._convert_ids_to_indices( subsys.parent_recoil_state ), :, ], axis=0, ), ] values = tfa_kin.nested_helicity_angles(topology) # the last two angles is always what we are interested dataset[angle_names[0]] = values[-2].numpy() dataset[angle_names[1]] = values[-1].numpy() return dataset